consumer court online complaint

Basic Difference Between Consumer & Customer Complaint

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 01 Sep 2021 Updated On 12 Mar 2025 Category Consumer Complaint

There are many people who cannot make out the difference between Consumer Complaints and Customer Complaints. Actually, they do not know which particular segment is called consumer and which segment is called customer.

So, before getting deep into consumer court online complaint versus customer complaint, you can have a look at what is the consumer segment and what is the customer segment?

Who is Called The Consumer?

The consumer is the particular category that buys a product for his/her use and consumes it. In brief, a consumer can be the end-user of a particular product or service range. The name ‘Consumer’ is associated with consumable matters. 

What Are The Existing Types of Consumer? 

You can have a look at the three types of consumers that are listed presently.

  1. Commercial Consumer: Commercial consumers are that particular category who buys products in a large number. 

  2. Unique Spending Consumer: From the name, it can be understood that the Unique Spending Consumers have the habit of buying products that are unique in nature.

  3.  Loyal Consumer: Loyal consumers remain faithful to a particular brand for a long period. They may remain loyal to the brand for their life also.

Who is Called The Customer?

A customer may not necessarily be a consumer. A customer buys products and services from a seller in exchange for a particular amount. As is discussed earlier, a customer may not necessarily be the consumer. So, read the blog attentively before knowing about how to make a consumer court complaint.

Which Are The Segments of A Customer?

You can understand the different types of customers after reading the blog from now on.

  1. Potential Customer: The potential customers are the kind of particular people who are likely to buy a product or service range but still have not decided about it.
  2. New Customer: The new customer is the person who has just now entered the market. They still have not created loyalty to any particular product. 
  3. Internal & External Customer: The internal consumers are that particular range of persons who are associated with a particular organisation. The external customers buy products from an organisation but they are not part of an organisation.

Both the consumer and customer can send a Legal Notice or e-file a complaint against a particular company or an individual if the consumer or customer has any complaint against it.

What’s The Difference Between Consumer and Customer?

The basic difference between a consumer and a customer is the consumer consumes the products and service ranges. The customer basically purchases the products and service ranges. 

It is not always that the customer and consumer are the same people. For example, when you buy fast-food from the fast-food store then you are the customer. When you and all your friends eat that particular fast-food then all of you will be considered as consumers. 

These are the points you have to keep in your mind before going to file the consumer forum online complaint.

Three Basic Differences of Consumer and Customer Complaints 

In brief, the customer is the one who buys a product and the consumer is the one who consumes it. So, let's have a look at what is the difference between a consumer and a customer with the three key points.

  • End-User: A customer is not the end-user, he or she is just the buyer. A consumer is the end-user but not necessarily a consumer has to be a buyer.
  • Monetary Transaction: When you are a customer it means you are buying something then the monetary transaction is a must with the customer. In the case of a consumer, it is not necessarily that monetary transactions will be associated with it.
  • Reselling: A customer can resell a product if the customer thinks about it. A consumer cannot resell a product as he/she is the end-user.

Can Online Legal India Help In Consumer And Customer Complaint?

No matter how much the differences exist between consumers and customers, whenever you are going to file a complaint, be it a consumer complaint or a customer complaint; you have to follow the same procedure.

You can take help from the Online Legal India panel of consumer and customer experts while filing both the consumer and customer complaints.

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