Income Tax Digital Signature registration

How Digital Signature can be Beneficial for Income Tax Filing?

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 10 Mar 2021 Updated On 15 Feb 2025 Category Income Tax 13 comments

Every year, filing the Income Tax is one of the moments of concern for every one of us. From calculating the taxable amount to filing the amount before the scheduled date with proper authentication, it is a long list of work to be done by every individual.    

But, with the technological advancement and everyday growing business compliances, at present, the taxpayers have got a convenient and modern kit while filing the Income Taxes. The revolutionary component is known as the Digital Signature!

With thousands of other benefits, digital signatures are predominantly well-known among the individuals mandated to file the income taxes. Now let us headway to the matter.

What is Digital Signature?

Simply, it is the digital form of the physical signature. Electronically kept in a device that can be accessed and utilized anytime to authenticate or validate the documents with ease. As per provisions of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), this electronic device is called the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).  

How DSC can be helpful for Income Tax filing?

While filing the Income Taxes, an individual is required to submit a lot of documents duly signed within the given timeline. A DSC can really be helpful here for digitally authenticating the documents in a short period instead of physically signing the print-outs.

As the digital signatures are capable of secured authentication and ‘non-repudiation’, the Income Tax authority accepts the digitally signed documents for assurance of the reliability of the sender and the documents attached with the tax filing procedure.

As an alternative to arranging hundreds of documents, synchronizing them as per the order, signing them one-by-one, and filing them to the portal, a taxable person can file the soft copies with ease duly signed by the DSC device.

Using the digital signature for income tax filing enhances the security of the documents and data too. With this contemporary technical device, the authentication process gets secured and no one can access it without due permission.  

How Online Legal India can help you here?

The country’s recommended business assistance panel of Online Legal India™ will not only assist you to obtain a digital signature for income tax filing, but you will also get the complete guide to file the income tax return before time.

Added to this, the Tax Planning consultancy of Online Legal India™ would be your one-stop destination to calculate the taxable amounts and filing them before the deadline. Already being trusted by more than 120,000 happy and satisfied business clients, the professionals here are all equipped to provide you the needed aids at your fingertips.

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Rohit Suryavanshi

14 Mar, 2022

Thanks for the valuable post. This informative Write-up has helped me to understand the Digital signature very closely when it comes to filing the Income Tax.


Anjali Malhotra


Anjali Malhotra


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