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22 Feb, 2025
Trademark registration is a vital tool for safeguarding a company from unlawful use and infringement. The Government has made this procedure more straightforward. In a handful of months, entrepreneurs may simply register trademarks for their companies. We'll look at the documents required to register a trademark in India in this blog.
Registration of a brand is a vital tool for combating trademark infringement and unauthorised usage. The trademark registration procedure in India has been simplified by the government. In a few months, entrepreneurs may register their businesses as trademarks. The below-mentioned paperwork is the essential documents required for trademark registration in India:
Documents that are required for trademark registration on behalf of a partnership firm are as follows:
Documents required for trademark registration on behalf of a company/LLP are:
In India, anyone, whether Indian or foreign, may readily register a trademark. To register a trademark, it is not mandatory to make a legal entity or a business. Furthermore, the documents required to register a trademark in a proprietorship's name are the same as those required to register a trademark in an individual's name:
Documents required for trademark registration in India on behalf of MSME are as follows:
In this industry, your trademark should be original, non-descriptive, and unusual in order to differentiate your products and services.
This search will show you whether there are any trademarks that are comparable to yours. You may check whether or not they are registered. As a result, you will be able to prevent trademark claims.
You must file an application for trademark registration with the right class and information. The relevant forms must be filed to the Office of Designs, Patents, and Trademarks of the Controller General.
The Trademarks Registry will issue an application number to a trademark application when it is filed.
The application can then be monitored online using the online trademark search facility.
The applicant may use the TM sign next to the registered mark after receiving the application number.
If the trademark comprises symbolic elements/logos, the Indian Trade Marks Registry provides a Vienna code after the application is submitted.
In line with the Trade Marks Act, 2016, the Examiner must provide a necessary examination report following an extensive study of the trademark application following the filing of the trademark application.
The examination report of the authority may or may not uncover any problems, which might be fundamental, relative, or procedural in nature. This examination report is issued by the Trademark Authority within thirty days of the application for registration being filed.
Registration is the final step in the procedure, which takes place when the application has cleared any objections and/or resistance to trademark registration.
In addition, if no objections to the trademark's registration were presented throughout the 4-month advertisement/publication period, the trademark receives an auto-generated registration certificate within 1 week. The registration is valid for 10 years after it is finished, following which it must be renewed within a set timeframe.
The Registrar will approve your trademark application if no objections are lodged within the ninety-day period, or if your trademark application is accepted after a trademark opposition hearing. The Registrar will then present you with a Registration Certificate with the Trademark Registry seal.
After getting your certificate, you can immediately use the registered trademark symbol (®) with your brand name.
In today's circumstances, trademark registration becomes more important. The trademark is a cost-effective way of protecting abuse and infringement of a company's intangible assets, such as its brand name and logo, for startups, small and medium companies in particular. As a result, the company may emphasise expansion.
Trademark registration is a straightforward process that requires only a few documents and may help you develop a profitable and reliable relationship with your brands.
Online legal India not only helps you register a trademark but also provides you with all of the required information about the documents required for trademark registration in India. The trademark professionals are experts in their respective fields. They have a lot of experience and have worked with a lot of different clients.