download GST Registration Certificate

Download GST Registration Certificate from GST Portal

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 21 Feb 2024 Updated On 28 Feb 2025 Category GST

A GST registration certificate is a document issued by the GST department of the central government in India. A business that deals in more than 40 lakhs per annum requires GST registration. There are some variations for GST registration thresholds. It will be described later. Today, the main focus of the article is describing how you can download GST registration certificate from the GST portal of the central government. Carry on with the article without any skips if you desire to apply for it or want to download it.

Who can apply for GST registration?

GST is Goods and Services Tax. It is an easy and uniform taxation that omits all types of additional taxes included with it. Previously, the government of India used to charge taxes through Value Added Tax (VAT). The business that wants to move to GST can easily do it by filing a form from the GST portal for GST migration.

The threshold for GST is 40 lakhs for goods and 20 lakhs for businesses that provide services to customers. The business whose turnover crosses the respective amount can register for GST through the portal. If any business wants to register under GST but their turnover does not cross the threshold, they can do it voluntarily to get business credibility. However, the businesses that run online sales or services must require GST registration.

The variation of the threshold for GST registration is also available in some special regions and states where they need to register for GST if the yearly turnover crosses 10 lakhs for services and 20 lakhs for goods.

Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, and Sikkim are the states or regions where the above special GST regulations are implemented. However, the business of any region that crosses 40 lakhs per annum requires mandatory GST registration.

How to apply for GST registration?

You have to enter the GST portal ( and have to fill up the form in support of your business. Before sitting for the filling out the form, you have to keep the following documents handy:

  • Pan card or the business authority
  • The Aadhaar card of the proprietor/ business operator
  • Votar card of the authority/person or partners
  • Address proof of the business (owned or rented)
  • If the business address is rented, you have to keep the rented lease agreement for the current session
  • Bank account statement of the individual, firm, or company

There might be some additional documents, for the business types. The GST Seva Kendra or online GST portal will inform you of the mandatory document you have to collect at hand.

Then, you have to visit the online portal mentioned before or visit any nearest GST Seva Kendra

Online GST registration process:

Visit the online portal of the central government to fill out the online forms and mandatory fields are indicated with the niches of Red Dots that you cannot keep empty.

  • Visit the GST portal
  • Click on the SERVICES tab and click on REGISTRATION
  • Click on the NEW REGISTRATION
  • Then fill out the form

Filling Up Part A of the form:

  • Select I am a: Tax Payer
  • Then fill up all the vacant spaces in the form where all your business details are required.
  • You require an email address and mobile number confirmation through OTP
  • Then, you have to submit and proceed to GST registration. On online submission, you will get a TRN (taxpayer reference number)

GST registration, Part B:

  • After submitting form A, you will get a taxpayer reference number (TRN), You have to enter the Part B section with the TRN number.
  • When you input the TRN, you will get a captcha to enter a niche.
  • As soon as you submit it, you will get an OTP (one-time password) to your registered mobile number as well as to your mobile number. Submit it to the specific space.
  • Now, you have to submit the business name, company name, permanent account number (PAN), business address, and business commencement date. If there is any existing registration, you have to mention it in this section.
  • You have to mention the names of promoters, proprietors, and partners- as the case may be, in this section. You also have to submit the DIN or document identification number, PAN and AADHAAR, and all other mandatory details asked on the page.
  • When the partners are many, you have to authorize anyone for the GST return filing.
  • Add the principal place of business that you want to keep for all business purposes and required transactions. Enter the address, office contact details, office contact number, and the nature of the possessions you want to deal with.
  • If there are any additional places of business, you will get the sections to mention them. Fill out them if you have such locations. Submit the details of the bank associated with the specific business area- if applicable.
  • Based on the business you are doing, you have to upload the photographs in a specific format. All the documents and photos must be recommended format and properly scanned.
  • Now, proceed by clicking “Save and Continue”
  • Then, click on submit, and your application will be submitted.

After submission, you will get an Application Reference Number (ARN) through email or Text message.

How to Check GST Registration Status

Let’s learn the procedure of GST registration application status.

  • After submitting the form finally, you will receive an ARN number. You have to log in to the GST portal through this number. After logging in, you will get the SERVICES tab. Under the SERVICES tab, you will get Track Application Status.
  • There you will get the option to put ARN or SRN numbers.
  • Put the ARN number on the niche selected there.
  • Fill up the captcha showing there for human authentication
  • After entering the right ARN and filling up the captcha, you have to click on SEARCH, close to the section.
  • Your GST registration status will be visible here.

There are a lot of registration statuses and they have different meanings.

What are the meanings of GST Registration Status?

The GST Application Reference Number or ARN denotes various types of GST registration status. Here, you will get the meanings of GST registration status. Let’s learn.

  • Form assigned to approving officer:

This status means that the GST application has been assigned to a government officer for further processing, and the application is under review.

  • Pending for clarification:

This status indicates that the processing officer has requested additional information regarding the clarification regarding the GST registration. They may ask the applicant for some clarification or ask to submit some documents. You have to submit them in the GST portal.

  • Clarification Filed- pending for order:

This status shows that the applicant has provided the required clarification and related documents against the concern raised by the GST officer. The documents were submitted for clarification but the order is still pending.

  • Application approved:

If the application is checked and approved, the GST department will give the application approval and the status will show likewise. You can download the GST certificate if it is issued on the portal.

  • Application Rejected

If the application does not meet the required documentation, or meet the terms and conditions applied to the applicant, the application will be rejected. In this case, the GST registration applicant needs to reapply once again.

How to download GST registration certificate

GST Registration Certificate

A GST registration certificate is issued to the applicant when the GST department approves it. The people who have GST registration must show it prominently at their business office. But you have the question in mind how will you get the certificate after application certification? This description will tell you how to do it from the GST portal.

Steps to download the GST registration certificate

To download the GST registration certificate, you have to log in to the portal.

Step 1: Visit the government portal for GST registration (

Step 2: Click on the “Login” option on the site by using the “username” and “password”  

Step 3: After using the correct “Username” and “Password”, you have to prove yourself human by implementing a captcha in the correct niche.

Step 4: Click on the services, then user services and click on the view or download the certificate. This time you will get the option of downloading the certificate from the GST portal.

Step 5: Click on the download button to get it downloaded in the version that nobody can edit or modify. The certificate will contain the information of your business with a unique GST number.

After clicking on Vew/Download Certificate, you will get the following option

Government Website ->> To Download GST Registration Cerificate

What is the validity of the GST registration certificate?

The GST registration certificate of any regular taxpayer does not have any expiry. As long as the GST is not canceled by any party (self-request, request to the officer, suo-moto action by the officer), it will remain active till the business lasts. Even, a legal heir can continue the business with the same GST number.

On the other hand, casual taxpayers, nonresident taxable persons, and other segments of people can download GST registration certificates after successful application submission. Some segments of people get the GST registration certificate only for 90 days. However, you can extend the validity of the certificate if you require to extend the business duration. The application must be through the GST portal.

Downloading GST registration certificate after information addition interval 

How to amend any change in the GST registration certificate?

There are some cases when you may see that some information is not correct on the GST registration certificate you have downloaded. Then, the taxpayer can start an amendment to the GST portal with proper information and related documents in the correct format.

Getting any correction on the GST registration certificate, the taxpayers can correct it from their end. They must file an Application for Amendment of Registration in form GST REG-14 within 15 days of getting the GST certificate at hand. Otherwise, wrong information may penalize your business.

On approval of the submitted information, you can get a corrected GST registration certificate. The GST officers get it and judge whether the later information is correct or not and issue a new corticated in place of the old one. The department may also make any mistake from its end. In that case, you also have to apply for correction of the certificate the same way. You can download the GST registration certificate from the same portal in the same way previously mentioned.

Some of the Core Fields That You Can Change On Amendment

If there is any change in the trade name, according to the business PAN card

Wrong name or spelling mistake of principal place of business

Adding a place of business other than the change in state

Changing or deletion of partners or association with any company or business person, change of director, board of trusts, officers, chief executives, and more.

The amendment to the GST portal can be pursued through the steps below:

  • Access to the GST Portal 
  • You have to log in with a valid “username” and "password.”
  • Follow the breadcrumb: Services -> Registration -> Amendment of Registration Core Fields
  • Now update wherever you want to change your information
  • Find the verification tab, and Select the Verification Checkbox.
  • In the niche of “Name of Authorized Signatory,” you have to select the authorized signatory.
  • Select the name of the place where the field “Place” is mentioned.
  • After filing the Amendment of Registration, you have to sign the form with a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), EVC, or e-signature.
  • After the submission of the application, you have to wait to get a report from the GST department through SMS or email. Upon approval of the GST certificate correction, the department will issue another GST certificate in place of the previous one. You can download it from the GST portal.

If you want any type of GST registration, an application for GST registration for goods or services, or any other legal issue, you can contact Online Legal India. We have a dedicated team to assist you in all respective duties you require.

Contact us today and enjoy our flawless GST registration services. You can download GST registration certificate on your own very soon if you do it from our end.

Also read about how to download FSSAI Certificate.

Read about steps to download Trademark registration.

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Online Legal India, a subsidiary of FastInfo Legal Services Pvt. Ltd., is registered under the Companies Act, 2013. Backed by a skilled team of professionals, we offer a comprehensive range of services. We deliver high-quality solutions to individuals, business owners, company founders, corporate entities, and more, addressing their company registration needs and resolving various legal challenges they encounter in everyday lives.

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