As the name suggests Digital Signature is a signature where an individual or a company maybe it is private or government can apply for it on a virtual platform. Another term used for DSC is e-signature or electronic signature.
Even though the size of your business is small or big or what industry an individual or company in, everyone is here looking to save money and increase their current revenue. Digital signature software offers an easy and powerful virtual process to make your goals into reality.
What is a Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)?
A Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) is a secure key (USB E-Token) that contains the signature in digital format and is issued for the purpose of validating & verifying a particular person or entity.
Who requires a Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)?
- Directors
- Auditors
- Company Secretaries - Whether in practice or in job
- Bank Officials - for Registration and Satisfaction of Charges
- Other Authorized Signatories
- E-filing income tax returns in case of every registered trust, partnership firm, companies, any other entity or individual who is required to get tax audit under the Income Tax Act.
- Company filings with MCA21( Ministry of Corporate Affairs)
Classes of Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)
- Class 1 Digital Signature Certificate: It is issued for both business personnel and private individuals use.
- Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate: It is issued for both business personnel and private individuals use
- Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate: It is issued to individuals as well as organizations.
Documents Required for Applying Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)
- Pan Card
- Aadhaar Card
- 2 Passport Size Photograph
Benefits of Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)
- The process is Cost-Effective.
- Environmentally friendly as it does not require any Pen or Paper
- Helps in maintaining Authenticity securely through a Virtual Platform
- Time-saving the Physical Documentation is not required
- Increase Storage Capacity
- Simplifies Company Registration, GST Registration process
- Workflow Efficiency
- Fast turnaround
- Strengthen Security
- Legal Validity for Future
- Better Customer Experience
How can we help you?
In the current scenario applying a Digital Signature online is a smart decision. Any individual, Private, Public, or Government body can sit anywhere and apply online for Digital Signature Certificate through India’s recommendable and hassle-free platform Online Legal India with their Digital Signature Partner as EMUDHRA.
Trusted by more than 1, 20,000+ satisfied clients from every corner of India, the specialized Advocate panel here provide 24x7 legal supports with on-time super fast service.