e filing trademark

Learn Trademark E-Filing Process and Its Entire Details

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 08 Feb 2024 Updated On 28 Feb 2025 Category Trademark

Trademark registration is mandatory for all companies and business entities to build up impression and identity in the minds of the consumers and increase their reputation. A trademark is the unique identity mark of a business that no one can imitate after registration. Unless you register your unique mark, your brand may be copied by other companies. This may hamper your business reputation and the competitors may harvest some benefits by downgrading you. Hence, without waiting a bit, you should go for e filing trademark for your business.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a business mark that can be a symbol, letter, word, sound, color, number, or similar other things. It can also be created with the combination of all these things. Every trademark registration service is processed and controlled by the Controller Government of India. After getting the trademark registered, the number will remain valid for 10 years. However, you can renew the license when it is about to expire the validity.

Act Related To Trademark Registration

Replacing the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, of 1958; Trade Marks Act, 1999 was established. The current trademark registration law is established to comply with the provision of eh TRIP (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). E-filing trademark has made the process very easy. You can contact online legal India for hazard-free solutions for registering your trademark.

How trademark registration is done

Any Company, proprietor, legal entity, individual, startup business, or family business proprietor can claim trademark registration for complying with the Trademark Registration Act 1999. After application, it may take 18 to 24 months to complete the entire process by the specific department of the Government of India. While processing the trademark, the following steps are to be taken. Read more about E register trademark.

Selecting a trademark

When you have started a business for the first time, you should have a mark or you should order it to a trademark designing company. While designing, you can add your concept and tell the logo or trademark Design Company to implement your concept on the trademark. They will design it for you as per your requirements.

This is the primary process that you have to initiate. Unless you have a logo or trademark, you cannot apply for any trademark registration.

Conduct a Trademark Search

Trademark search is mandatory for identifying whether your trademark is already registered by anybody or any brand. If you do not search it and apply for its registration, the process will be delayed or rejected for the authority will find it duplicate and will reject it. The entire processing duration would be higher than expected.

Submitting an application

Before e filling trademark and submitting, you have to keep all required documents handy in their scanned format. You have to submit documents with the desired format of jpeg or pdf. You have to prepare it by yourself or from a computer center. You must be careful about the file size of all the documents. You will get the details of file size and the format on the government site.

If you want to submit it offline, you can do it through the Register Office of Trademarks. If you submit forms offline for trademark registration, it will take 20-25 days to have acknowledgment. On the contrary, if you submit it online, you will get an instant acceptance message. Be careful about the fact that you have to be careful before submitting the online form. Recheck every detail that you are about to submit.  

Most of the businesspeople have a lot of duties to perform every day. They do not have enough time to file the form online for trademark registration. There is a possibility to make mistakes. That is why, you can contact the top online legal service-providing companies for registering the trademark. They will process everything for you and help you get the most accurate services for your requirements. Your time is invaluable and they will help you to save your time.

After applying for trademark registration for your service or brand, you can use TM or SM until you get the final registration certificate. For any service, you can use SM (service mark), and TM for trademark. After getting a trademark registration certificate, you can use the R sign with the trademark sign that you applied for. After successful submission, you will get a Trademark Application Number. Save it or keep it securely. It is a very useful number for you.

Application Examination Phase

The examiner of the specific department examines the application for any disparity or mismatch. It takes about 12 to 18 months. If your application is perfect and, the logo or trademark is unique, it will get approval for the trademark.

If the application is accepted unconditionally, the mark will be published in the Trademark Journal. If the application is accepted conditionally, the applicant has to fulfill the conditions in a month.  

Publication of Trademark in Journal

If the step has been completed and the register of trademarks gives the approval, the trademark will be published in the mentioned journal. After the publication, there is a provision of three months. Anybody having a similar logo or trademark can object to the trademark in these three months. After trademark publication, anybody has the right to object if it is found similar.

In case, there is any opposition found, the register arranges a fair hearing to make the proper decision. Unless it is solved, your trademark registration will be pending.

Registration Certificate

If there is no objection or the objection is overruled, you are supposed to get trademark registration. The register will forward it to the specific department so that you will get a trademark registration certificate as soon as possible.

How to download a trademark registration certificate?

When you submitted the e-filing trademark form, you received a Trademark Application Number. This number is invaluable this time. You have to visit the IP India website to check the status of your application.

  • Go to the search type section:
  • Select the Vienna Code, Wordmark, or Phonetic from the drop-down of form filling section
  • Select the specific code and type in the specific niche
  • Select the next tab where you will get Class, and select the class type of your business
  • Then fill up the captcha and submit.
  • You will get the status of your trademark registration.

The cost of e-filing trademark registration

The cost of e-filing of trademark registration is very low for 10 years. If any individual of a startup companies apply for it online, it will cost only Rs. 4,500 for each class of goods or services. However, this cost will be Rs. 5,000 for each class when you want to apply offline.

In all other cases, the business entity has to pay Rs. 9000 for online trademark registration filing and Rs. 10,000 for offline trademark registration filing.  

Before the end of your trademark registration, you can renew it with Rs. 9,000 by applying it via online. You can also submit the file offline at the cost of Rs. 10, 000.

If opposition comes to you for trademark registration, you have to pay the fees of 2700 for e-filing and Rs. 3,000 when you submit it offline.

Therefore, offline expenditure is always higher than the online filing of e-filing trademarks and related services.

Who can go for an e register trademark?

  • Individuals
  • Proprietorship firms
  • Joint owners of a company
  • Partnership firms (with a maximum of ten partners)
  • Indian companies
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
  • Foreign companies
  • Societies
  • Trusts

Why trademark registration is essential for every unique business entity?

Trademark registration is mandatory for a company or business entity to make it trustworthy in front of consumers. There are a lot of benefits to having a trademark registration certificate. Here are a few of them.

  1. Legal Protection

Trademark e-filing and getting a certificate provides the company of business entity a legal protection. After registration, the owner or owners have only the right to use the trademark for the business. if anybody tries to copy the mark, you will get legal protection. The owner has the right to take support from the government of India against the infringement. Nobody in India can use your logo or brand trademark for their business.

  1. Increases brand reputation

A registered trademark makes the business unique. Besides, the service and products will be protected from infringement. Hence, nobody can sell any product by labeling the same brand name. So, depending on the brand product, or service, your popularity will increase. Once you satisfy your users, nobody can protect your growth in the competitive market. Your brand will show a unique entity and you will receive a push to move forward with your business. Brand reputation will increase effortlessly.

  1. It builds customer trust

Trademark registration helps build trust and create authentic bonds between business and consumers. Usually, customers are prone to notice the brand, its trademark, and related factors. When they notice ® with the name or logo, they rely on the business because it is government-certified. It cannot copy others and no other companies can copy their products.

  1. Global protection

Along with national infringement support, a business entity will get international infringement protection if its trademark is internationally protected.  So, when you are going to do business internationally, no company in the world can copy your brand or its product/service. Trademark registration also assists your business when it enters a new area or region for business.

  1. Reliably expansion of business

After trademark registration through e-register trademark services from Online Legal India, you can easily expand your business. It builds a premium image of your brand in the market. When reliability increases, new customers will also be attracted.

  1. Solitary Rights

A Registered Trademark allows you to use your brand uniquely for your business or service. Hence, only you have the right to use the trademark and no other person or company can use it for personal or marketing purposes. You are legally protected by the Government of India.

  1. Financial benefits

Trademark registration provides financial benefits as it establishes your brand and secures your reputation. Hence, you can carry on your business and follow up on marketing strategy as per your requirement. You can go side by side with reputed brands with exceptional reliability. So, your business will grow and will give financial benefits.

Hence you should go for e filing trademark to enhance your brand reliability and profit. If you want to avoid the hazards of e-filing all these, you can contact Online Legal India, the most trusted company for solving all your legal and trademark registration-related issues.

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Online Legal India, a subsidiary of FastInfo Legal Services Pvt. Ltd., is registered under the Companies Act, 2013. Backed by a skilled team of professionals, we offer a comprehensive range of services. We deliver high-quality solutions to individuals, business owners, company founders, corporate entities, and more, addressing their company registration needs and resolving various legal challenges they encounter in everyday lives.

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