Step for FSSAI registration India

Everything You Need To Know about FSSAI Registration in India

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 02 Aug 2020 Updated On 12 Feb 2025 Category FSSAI

FSSAI registration is a mandatory step for any Indian company willing to start a food business commercially. This article talks in detail about, FSSAI or Food License Registration process in India.

Table of Contents

  • What is an FSSAI License?
  • Types of FSSAI License
  • How to check the FSSAI application status?
  • Validity of FSSAI License
  • FSSAI License renewal
  • Benefits of FSSAI License
  • Licenses you also require for your Food Business
  • How can Online Legal India™ help you?

What is an FSSAI License?

FSSAI stands for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Food License is issued by FSSAI and considered as an authorization which provides a brand with the legal permission to sell food commercially. According to the FSSAI, a food operator involved in manufacturing, processing, storing, distributing and selling of food is bound to apply for and have an FSSAI Registration. Therefore, the scope of the FSSAI does not stay limited to the restaurant business only and goes beyond it. Apart from serving legal certification, FSSAI License sets a benchmark of food quality as well. You will receive a 14 digit registration number after registering for it. Your business will have a unique license number.

Types of FSSAI License

  • FSSAI Central License- Food Business Operators are required to obtain a Central Food License issued by the Central Government. When a state is operational for more than a month. Besides being applicable to the central office, the Central License covers all the offices across the country. A central license is acquired by restaurants and food business owners when they have an annual turnover of greater than 20 crores. The tenure of a Central License is a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.
  • FSSAI State License- It is mandatory for all Small and medium-scale enterprises to acquire the FSSAI State License. It is issued by the particular state government where the party is willing to start a food business. It is important to inform you that the business must be operating in only one state only. If the annual revenue of the company falls between 12 lakhs to 20 lakhs then it would need to register for a State License. The maximum tenure of this license is 5 years and the minimum is 1 year.
  • FSSAI Basic Registration- Small businesses with a low turnover of up to 1 lakh are required to apply for an FSSAI Basic License. This license is also issued by the concerned State Government. The minimum and maximum tenure of this license is 1 year and 5 years respectively.

How to check the FSSAI application status?

It is quite an easy procedure to track the application status of your Food License.

  • Visit the FSSAI Official Website
  • Enter the unique tracking details as shown on the form.
  • Keep handy the 17 digit application number that you receive after signing up for food license.
  • After entering the details, you shall be redirected to the status page.


Validity of FSSAI License

The validity of an FSSAI License varies between 1 year to 5 years. The minimum and maximum tenure of this registration is 1 year and 5 years respectively. This license is renewed yearly upon the payment of the license fee.              

 FSSAI License Renewal

FSSAI states that the food license must be renewed for a period of 1 year to 5 years depending on a case to case basis. The renewal must be done in between 30 days from the expiration date given on the license. For each day of delay post the expiration, a late renewal fee of RS. 100 per day are applied in case of delay of the renewal. FSSAI License can be renewed both online and offline.

Benefits of FSSAI License

Startup and Food Business Operators are aware of the fact that the FSSAI License provides an important legal objective. But there is more to the FSSAI registration and here we will discuss the advantages of an FSSAI License.

  • Trust of the Customers- Authentic communication is necessary to gain customer trust. It will conduct better service and also keep the customers from the unhealthy and adulterated food supply.
  • Legal Advantages- FSSAI Certification will enhance the chance of legal enforcement and control over the department at a certain point and will encourage the establishment of several things in a particular area.
  • Government Funding and Loans- The FSSAI registration will offer the privileges of Government Funding and Loans that can be easily accessible for the business operators
  • Use of FSSAI Logo- The use of FSSAI logo on your product will normally create goodwill and trustworthiness amongst the consumers.
  • Brand Value- A company will automatically acquire Brand Value once it is FSSAI registered.
  • Business Expansion- The FSSAI license will provide a wider scope and privilege of expansion at any geographic location.
  • Recognition of the Government- The government of India recognizes the FSSAI Registration resulting in customer trust and a huge base of consumers.
  • Government actions on non-compliance– Government will take action and bestow the help of the company in case of any non-compliance issue in the future.

Licenses you also require for your Food Business

The FSSAI License is the first material that would allow the commencement of a food business. Though it will put you on the right track, a few more other licenses are needed to be obtained in order to stay legally safe. Here we are providing a description of all the other licenses you need for your Food Business.

  • Liquor License- Getting a liquor license is mandatory when you are willing to sell liquor at your restaurant. Having this license is a must since selling liquor without this permit is a punishable offense. You can acquire this license from the Local Excise Commissioner. The forms for this license are available at the respective State Government website.
  • Shop Act License: Be it a fine-dining restaurant, a food truck or an online food delivery, a Shop Act License is essential to obtain. You have got to apply for this license within 30 days from the commencement of the business. This license is regulated by the Department of Labor and state-specific. So registration with the respective State Government is a must.
  • Health Trade License: Businesses like manufacturing units, storage and sale, eating outlets that deal with several goods and services that might cast a direct effect on public health. Therefore, it is compulsory to acquire a Health Trade License. This license can be obtained from the respective Municipal Corporation of your city which has the power to shut the business down which does not have this license.
  • Signage License: You can handle the marketing strategy of your brand through word of mouth, testimonials, posters, placards or images. But after all, building an online presence is indispensable to the existence of your business. To employ various marketing techniques you need to obtain a Signage License which can be acquired from the local municipal corporation.
  • Fire Safety License- It is a legal mandate for restaurants to protect customers from all dangerous things including fire hazards. Hence, a No-Objection-Certificate has to be obtained from the fire department to run a restaurant.
  • Music License- A Food Business Operator would require a music license to be able to play music at the restaurant. This license is issued by the Phonographic Performance Limited or PPL in India. If a restaurant starts playing music within the restaurant premises without the said license then it will be penalized with a legal punishable cost.

How can Online Legal India™ help you?

Are you worried? Have you always dreamt of setting up a café or any Food business? You are at the right place at right time.

We can help you get your Food License Online. We have the best minds who are an expert in their own field who will guide you accordingly and in a very short time, you would have your FSSAI/FOSCOS Registration & License done in no time. The complete process is hassle-free and done online 

Already delighted to serve 1,20,000+ satisfied FSSAI holders from every nook and corner of the country, as we work until your contentment. 

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