FSSAI Full Form and Everything You Need to Know About It
26 Feb, 2025
In the cut-throat competition of the modern-day market, it has become of utmost importance to have an identity of one’s own. To have one’s own identity one needs to have a trademark for their good and services. The element to choose for a trademark Registration becomes one of the most difficult tasks.
As every product is different from one another they are categorized under a certain class of trademark. Trademarks under the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence are divided into 45 distinct classes under which all goods and services are classified. These classes are further divided into two sections based on whether it is goods or services. The Trademark Classes from 1-34 are applied to Goods and Classes 35-45 are applicable for Services.
Among all the large variety of trademarks available in the market, the Trademark Class 9 is one of the most common ones. It is a class of Trademark that deals with certain kinds of electronics. In the age of technology, one can not stay far from Trademark Class 9 goods. It represents a variety of goods from electronic and scientific products used in daily life. Some of the prominent Class 9 Products that we use are our mobiles, computers, alarms, projection screens, and Digital Photo frames among many other products.
As Class 9 Trademark is for goods a majority of the queries are regarding the Trademark Registration for Computer Software and Electronics. There are a variety of products such as digital and scientific services that are not included. The scientific and electronic services can be found in the Trademark classes dealing with services. Read more
Trademark Class 9 is such a broad category, that one needs to keep in mind what products do not qualify for classification under Class 9. There are often products that cause problems in distinguishing between the different classes of the trademark. These products also need to be registered with another class and are thus known as coordinated class Trademark.
Some of the prominent coordinated class products are:
Class 10: Deals with medical supplies
Class 16: Deals with paper goods
Class 28: Deals in games and sporting goods
Class 35: Help categorize advertising and business services
Class 38: Help classify telecommunications
Class 39: Deals in shipping and travel services
Class 41: Deals with education and entertainment services
Class 42: Deals with science and technology services
Class 44: Deals with medical and vet services
Some of the prominent areas where the Trademark Class 9 goods can be used are for:
Helps in conducting Nautical work.
Assists in Scientific research.
Contributes to Surveying purposes.
Helps in conducting Cinematographic and Photographic activities.
Helps conduct activities related to Measuring.
Assists in conducting Signaling activities.
The competition in the market and the demand for products has become a major factor in the counterfeit of products. It has become difficult to distinguish one product from another other than their trademark. Even in that, there have been cases of a slight change in the mark to confuse the buyers and thus sell fake products.
It has thus become important to trademark one's products and know-how to register your brand name trademark. A trademark will provide the security needed to sell a product freely in the market without the fear of being copied. And if someone does copy, the owner of the trademark has the legal right to file a case under the law.