Gst Registration for proprietorship

Hassle Free GST Registration for Your Proprietorship Firm

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 02 Apr 2022 Updated On 12 Mar 2025 Category GST

Sole proprietor is a corporation in which one individual is the owner of the company and also cares for business management. Sole proprietorship is the ideal way to start your business with limited resources and finances.

In addition, if you want to carry out your company plan with the least legal compliance and minimal operating expense, sole proprietorship is the most feasible business type. Sole proprietorship registration does not necessitate legal formalities to start a business in India but some registrations, for instance, GST Registration or MSME registration, are mandatory as well as beneficial.

When should you register your proprietorship business under GST ?

In the following circumstances, GST registration for a sole proprietorship company is mandatory:

  • When sales or turnover of Proprietorship Firm exceeds 40 lakh rupees per year.

  • In Special Category States, such as in the North Eastern States, it is mandatory to get registered under GST if annual turnover exceeds ?10,00,000/- (Ten lakh rupees).

  • When sole-proprietorship involves business of inter-state
    supplies of goods.

  • When the company sells items or services between different countries.

  • E-commerce operators such as Amazon and Flipkart also require GST Registration.

  • If the company wants to claim the credit for the input tax on the purchase.

  • On a voluntary basis.

What are the documents required for GST registration in a proprietorship firm?

  • PAN Card: Once the PAN card application is submitted, it is checked at NSDL for verification, and if NSDL finds the information correct, it allots the PAN number within 7-8 days.

  • Aadhaar Card: Aadhar number is now a necessity for applying for any registration in India. Also, the income tax return can only be filed if the person has linked his PAN card with the Aadhar number.

  • Photograph of the Sole Proprietor: A passport size photograph is required for the verification process.

  • Bank Account Details: A copy of the cancelled cheque or bank statement.

Address Proof of office

  • Rented office: Rent agreement and No objection certificate (NOC) from the landlord.

  • Own office: Copy of electricity bill/landline bill/water bill/municipal khata copy/ property tax receipt. Read more

Call for GST properitorship

Proprietorship Firm information required to register into GST

There are few information that need to be submitted before registering into GST, some of them are mentioned below:

  • Business Details: Provide trade name and tax jurisdiction.

  • Proprietor Details: Provide the proprietor’s personal and identity information and residential address and attach a photo of the proprietor. Click on save and continue to go to the next tab.

  • Authorised Signatory: Declare that the proprietor is an authorised signatory which is common in all proprietorship firms. Then the details of the 2nd tab will be auto-copied to the 3rd tab, click on save and continue to go to the next.

  • Principal place of Business: Provide the business address and attach electricity bill as an address proof and ownership proof and attach the copy of EB AND select the nature of activity at the address provided above. Click Save & Continue.

  • Goods and Services: Select the HNS code of the goods or SAC code of the services suitable to your business. Click Save & Continue.

  • Aadhar Authentication: This is a new tab introduced recently. Choose ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Would you like to opt for Aadhaar authentication of Promoters/ Partners, Authorised Signatories?’ to get the registration approved at the earliest.

  • Verification: Click on the verification box provided there and select the authorised signatory and enter the ‘Place’ and click on submit with EVC and enter the EVC Code sent to your mobile number and email id and submit it finally.


Even if it is a small business, you should check with your tax and also complete the legal formalities before initiating it. For better consultation regarding GST registration for your proprietorship firm, you can visit Online Legal India website and consult our experts. We have enormously experienced experts who have vast knowledge about government procedure for GST registration can guide you throughout the process and can make this whole process hasslefree.

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