Consumer Complaint against Herbal Products

How to Lodge Consumer Complaint against Herbal Products?

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 03 Nov 2020 Updated On 13 Mar 2025 Category Consumer Complaint 2 comments

Nowadays, people remain always aware of their health and well-being. Several herbal brands promote their products by declaring that they are safe and gentle but it is always not true. People remain unaware of its consequences and get attracted to it. Herbal products have become a popular trend among men and women. In several cases, they start using the products, believing that they are safe and gentle but later they face severe issues. In all these consequences, customers must seek help from the companies of herbal products to resolve the issues. If you face any issue with the skin or anywhere after using those products, you can easily file a complaint in the consumer court.

What is a Consumer Complaint?

A Complaint is raised by the consumer to express their dissatisfaction about a product or service on a dedicated online platform or Consumer Forum. It is a complaint against a business that fails to meet customer expectations regarding a product or services. It helps to resolve issues of customers. When a customer lodges a complaint against the issue, action will be taken within a specific time frame.

Common Issues Related to Herbal Beauty Products in India

There are various common Issues related to Herbal Beauty Products in India. Some are mentioned below:

  • Herbal Products may be prepared with undeclared synthetic ingredients

Most of the herbal products are manufactured with undeclared synthetic pharmaceuticals like steroids, drugs, harmful preservatives, etc. which can negatively impact consumers' health. They may cause allergic reactions, endocrine disruptions, skin irritation, and other related issues to the skin. A consumer may file a complaint against it to seek clarification and compensation if there is any damaged caused for it.

  • Herbal Products may be Prepared with any Undeclared Heavy Metals

Some herbal products can contain toxic and heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and so on without being listed on the label. It can cause serious health issues including organ damage, neurological problems, and other health issues depending on metal and exposure level.

  • Herbal Products with wrong Active Ingredients

Many herbal beauty products are created with wrong active ingredients like toxic plants, heavy metals, synthetic ingredients, and many others materials. Adulteration of product may also happen with various substances, toxic materials, unknown plant species, poor processing, low-grade ingredients, and so on. It can have serious side effects on health, such as organ damage, allergic reactions, sensitivity issue on skin, and rashes on the skin, etc. A consumer can file a complaint to get a solution against all these issues if they are proven.

  • Lack of Standardized Quality Control

Many Herbal beauty products may have a lack of standardized quality control with inconsistent manufacturing processes, lack of documentation, plant variability, and other related factors. Adulteration is nothing but a deliberate act of making poor-quality products. Some manufacturers make a decision intentionally to add harmful chemicals to herbal products which is unsafe for the skin. However, they demand for the high quality products with top graded ingredients.

Victims can file a consumer complaint against the company if they face any of the above-mentioned issues or other regarding Herbal Beauty Products. They can file it through the product websites or directly to the consumer forum if they do not have any legal entity. If they don’t get any help from the porta (if consumer redressal facility is available), they can file it in a Consumer Forum.

The Processes to lodge a Consumer Complaint against Herbal Products

According to the Consumer Protection Act, a Consumer can lodge a Consumer Complaint against herbal products through National Consumer Helpline (NCH) or Consumer Forum.

Here are the processes to lodge a Consumer Complaint against Herbal Products:

  • Step 1: Gather Evidence

You must gather the required documents and evidence to file a complaint. It includes (not limited to):

  • Capturing photos or videos regarding the issue.
  • Receipts or bills of purchasing products, payment receipts, vouchers, and any other related documents.
  • You can also note down the details of name, address, date, etc.
  • Step 2: Intimation Via Notice

To seek help, if you want, you can send a notice to a service provider to inform them about the issues. You can try to convince them and ask for a refund, replacement, and other solutions related to the issue. Then, you need to wait for the resolution by providing them with the required evidence.

  • Step 3: Legal Notice

If your issue is still unsolved, you can send a legal notice to the company by stating that, you will take legal action. In this notice, you must describe the issues in a product and the delay of the services.

  • Step 4: Draft a Consumer Complaint

A consumer can file a complaint against an herbal product through the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), or the Consumer Forums.

  • National Consumer Helpline (NCH)

You can call the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) number and speak to an agent against the issue.

You can also send SMS to the NCH helpline number.

Filing a Consumer Complaint through the NCH portal:

  • You must visit the National Consumer Helpline portal
  • Click on the login link
  • Now, you need to click Signup
  • Next, you must enter the required details
  • Verify your Email ID
  • To log into your portal, you must enter your created user ID and password
  • Then, fill it with the required details
  • Lastly, you must upload the relevant documents
  • Complaints Filing in the Consumer Forums

A customer should identify the appropriate Forum to lodge a Consumer Complaint. They must recognize whether it is a District, State, or national to prepare a complaint letter with the issues and evidence to file a complaint. The complaint must include the required details of the consumer and the opposition party. They can also file a complaint through the E-DAAKHIL portal by submitting the relevant documents and paying the required fee.

There are three types of Consumer Forums under the Consumer Protection Act:

  1. District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (DCDRC): A consumer can file a complaint against the loss of an amount not more than Rs.50 lakh in the District commission.
  2. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (SCDRC): A customer can claim for the resolution in the State commission if the loss amount is between Rs.50 lakh and 2 crore.
  3. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC): To file a complaint in the National Commission, if the loss amount is more than Rs.2 crore.
  • Step 5: Follow Up

A customer can track their complaint against herbal products using the E-Daakhil portal. They can also check through the websites and portals if there are any websites available.


A consumer forum can help resolve your complaints but it cannot solve your skin issues. For that, you should consult with a dermatologist or skin specialist.  Throughout this article, you have learned how to lodge a consumer Complaint against Herbal Products. If you still want to get guidance about filing a consumer complaint, contact Online Legal India. They have experts to guide you



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29 Nov, 2020

490 rpese Frad Phone paymy Acno icici bank23-11-2020

Team Online Legal India™

22 Feb, 2021

Thank you for reaching out to us. Team Online Legal India™ will contact you shortly to initiate your consumer complaint filing process.


25 Jan, 2021

One of client name is rittu annad has to be frod with me she and her team all team members frod with people plz return of my payment as my product is also not a good quality and zero results oberverd

Team Online Legal India™

22 Feb, 2021

Hello Gourav. Thank you for highlighting the issue with us. Team Online Legal India™ will contact you shortly to discuss on your matter and initiate the complaint filing process.


Anjali Malhotra


Anjali Malhotra


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