Digital Signature Certificate

Everything about Digital Signature Certificate

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 30 Nov 2020 Updated On 07 Feb 2025 Category Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Certificate is a modern business appliance signature where physical documentation is not mandatory. It is a virtual platform that can be accessed by any individual or the company.

A digital signature is used to make sure that the files sent digitally belongs to a designated source and reaches the intended receiver in its original format without any damage.

Types of Digital Signature Certificates

  • Class 1 DSC- An individual/private subscriber can apply for it and get a certificate.
  • Class 2 DSC- A business personnel & private individuals can use it the only difference is that the information provided should not conflict.
  • Class 3 DSC- Any e-commerce company can use these certificates & while applying it physical presence is mandatory.

How does Digital Signature work?

As per Section 3, IT Act 2000 of the Indian Govt. Digital Signature came into the limelight.

Firstly, the electronic record is converted into a message by using some statistical functions known as ‘Hash function’. 

Then, the encrypted message is sent digitally for recognizing the identity of the individual through a private key.

Areas where Digital Signature Certificate is Mandatory

How can Online Legal India help you?

In this current pandemic, it is always recommended to apply for the Digital Signature Certificate online. Any individual can sit anywhere and apply an online digital signature through the most reliable and hassle-free platform paying a minimal charge through Online Legal India with their Digital Signature Partner as EMUDHRA.

Here all the application process is taken care of starting from documentation to sending the DSC Token to the client through Postal service without any extra charge.

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