Nidhi company law

Get To Know About Nidhi Company laws in Detail

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 17 Oct 2022 Updated On 21 Feb 2025 Category Nidhi Company

The Nidhi Company differs from other companies in that it exclusively takes deposits from and lends money to its shareholders. Additionally, it advances the goals of all of its participants. Because of this, several businesses have received particular tax and annual compliance exemptions.

the Companies (Nidhi Companies) Rules of 2014, Section 406 of the Companies Act of 2013,, and Chapter XXVI of the Companies Rules of 2014 establish, govern, and regulate Nidhi Companies in India. Further discussion about Nidhi Company's RBI Compliance.

Compliance Standards Reinforced by the Government

After the government tightened compliance rules, investors are urged to confirm Nidhi's validity.

MCA (The Ministry of Corporate Affairs) has tightened the regulations controlling Nidhi firms' compliance. A subclass of NBFCs known as Nidhi companies was established to promote lending and borrowing only among its members. The ministry has urged investors to confirm the status of a certain Nidhi firm from the announcement issued in the official gazette by the Center Government before making any type of investment or deposit.

Since the government updated the rules for Nidhi companies under the Companies Act of 2013, Nidhi firms must now submit an application to the Central Government in Form NDH-4 to update their standing and declaration as a Nidhi company. The due period for this work is nine months after the Nidhi Amendment Rules, 2014, or one year after the date of incorporation, whichever comes first.

Companies that became Nidhi under the Companies Act, 2013, on or after August 15, 2019, must file an application within 60 days of the end of the year that follows the date of incorporation or the extended time.

Nidhi Company Regulations:

There are three types of rules that a Nidhi firm must abide by:

  • Before Formal Incorporation, There Are Formalities to Meet,
  • Conditions After Company Incorporation and
  • Events determine conformities.

To apply for Nidhi Company Registration, you must comply with the pre-incorporation requirements.

Compliances following the establishment of Nidhi Business After Nidhi Business is incorporated, certain compliances must be enforced. Both are further divided into certain subgroups, like Annual Compliance and General Enforcement.

Event-based compliances are filings that must be made just once during the registration process for a company and are frequently made in the case of a non-periodic change to the firm's structure.

Nidhi Company’s Post-Incorporation Regulations

  • General Requirements
  • Annual Conformities

Basic Requirements

  • A Nidhi Company must have 200 or more members by the end of the first year after it is established.
  • The ratio of deposits to net-owned funds cannot be more than 1:20.
  • The Net Owned Fund of the Nidhi Company must include at least Rs. 10 lakh.
  • According to Nidhi Company Law, 2014 Rule 14, 10% of the total is the required minimum deposit.
  • Keeping the financial books and records in order
  • Sometimes, legislative gatherings

Annual Conformities

Each year, Nidhi businesses are required to adhere to the following Annual Compliances.


This form is used to file the Return of Statutory Compliance, which includes details on the company's members, loans, deposits, reserves, etc. for the entire fiscal year.


You must use this form to submit requests for more time.


This form must be presented to the Registrar of Companies every six months (ROC)


Financial statements and other documents can be deposited with the ROC.


Calculated Each Year


Compliances Related to a Nidhi Business Event

Event-based The third and last type of compliance for Nidhi Company. You will only be asked for your permission once during the registration procedure with the Nidhi Company. These contracts frequently include references to organisational changes that must be made. However, they are frequently barred from filing, contrast.

  • Rebranding the business, if necessary.
  • Any modification to the corporation's registered office address
  • Holdings changes for the organisation
  • Alterations to the company's capital structure. 
  • Take increases in authorised capital as an example.
  • Management and auditing appointments

Advantages of Establishing a Nidhi Company

There are many more advantages to creating a Nidhi Company besides those already stated. 

Just a few instances are shown below:

  • The limited liability applies to Nidhi Company directors and stockholders. Let's say that the business suffers losses or runs into financial problems as a result of its operations. In that circumstance, banks, creditors, or the government cannot seize the properties of the members or directors.
  • The Nidhi Rules, 2014 are the only requirements that apply to Nidhi enterprises. The Central Government is in charge of regulating everything and is the highest authority. The Reserve Bank of India imposes only a few restrictions on Nidhi.
  • Nidhi enterprises are more trustworthy than other member-based organisations like Trusts, Cooperative Societies, and NGOs.
  • Since a Nidhi Company's main objective is to promote saving among its members, it is a superior option for saving. This aids the Nidhi firm in achieving its other goal, which was to be advantageous to all of its stakeholders. Additionally, the Nidhi Companies would be established to facilitate lending and borrowing only among its owners and members.
  • Public resources are more easily accessible, and loans from the Nidhi Company are more affordable than those from banks and other NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Institutions). For its stockholders, getting loans and specialised services is streamlined, expedited, and simplified.
  • Because the RBI is not a direct participant in Nidhi businesses' operations, there are fewer regulatory barriers to their operations. They must, however, abide by the guidelines stated in the 2013 Companies Act and the 2014 Nidhi Rules. Noncompliance could have serious consequences. The best counsel often advises consulting experts because the compliance process might be difficult for some.
  • The most dependable and affordable method of asking for savings from the public is Ease of Funds from The Nidhi Company. They merely need to be acknowledged by the pertinent firm as registered members.
  • Many Indians still reside in rural or remote locations, therefore Nidhi's regular banking services may not be available to them. This business specialises in "micro banking," or small-scale banking.
  • Nidhi Company is pretty comparable to the credit cooperative organisation and serves as an alternative. It has greater favour with microfinanciers as a result. Additionally, once a Nidhi firm is registered, all of its members have full access to the services provided by the credit cooperative society.
  • It's easier to borrow and lend among friends or people in the same social group than it is to work with a bank, where everything is formal and impersonal.
  • In contrast to other options, the simple registration process for a Nidhi Company makes it a breeze. Because the applicable company doesn't need the Reserve Bank of India's permission. Only public limited companies should be registered by parties in concern with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.


Nidhi Companies were founded to motivate their shareholders to save money for unexpected expenses. With careful planning, they might become financially independent and be prepared for unforeseen expenses. A company that has a Nidhi registration number gains significant benefits. You can get assistance from Online Legal India with any process, including registration.

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Online Legal India, a subsidiary of FastInfo Legal Services Pvt. Ltd., is registered under the Companies Act, 2013. Backed by a skilled team of professionals, we offer a comprehensive range of services. We deliver high-quality solutions to individuals, business owners, company founders, corporate entities, and more, addressing their company registration needs and resolving various legal challenges they encounter in everyday lives.

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