Director Identification Number for Company Registration

Rules One Should Know About DIN Number Registration

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 25 May 2022 Updated On 17 Feb 2025 Category Company Registration

The central government assigns an 8-digit single identifying number called a Director Identification Number . It is offered to anyone who wishes to become a director of a company or who is currently a corporate executive. The DIN number is valid for life once it is issued. The government also maintains a database of all directors, which includes the DIN number for Company Registration. A person can only have one DIN, although he can be the CEO or Director of two or more companies.

Advantages of DIN

  • The Digital Signature Certificate in the candidate's name is required for the DIN statement. Digital Signature Certificate is announced as a USB token with a one or two years validity period.
  • A copy of the PAN card, one passport-size photograph, address proof, and signature on the Digital Signature Certificate application form are required to apply for it. A  Gazetted Officer, as well as the bank management, must approve all reports and forms. A pen with blue ink must be used to complete signatures on the form and verification papers. Foreign residents can apply for a Digital Signature Certificate by submitting proof of identification and residency, which must be verified by the Indian government or notaries.
  • Requests for DIN can be made with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs after the Digital Signature Certificate is received.  The DIN request form must be submitted to the portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and recorded electronically. A photograph of the candidate must be included on the DIN form, which must be recognised by a Digital Signature Certificate.
  • The Ministry of Corporate Affairs would immediately approve DIN if the application was submitted. MCA may request supplementary documents if any errors are discovered in the documentation. Within 2-3 days of receiving the papers and documentation, a DIN may be issued.
  • DIN does not have any other agreements. However, if changes to DIN are required, the same can be accomplished by specifying new forms as described by MCA, as well as documentation evidence.

DIN Registration Procedure

SPICe Form

In the case of new companies, applications for assignment of DINs to proposed initial directors must be submitted in SPICe format exclusively.

DIR-3 Form

Anyone who wants to become a director of an already established company must fill out eForm DIR-3 and apply for a DIN number.

DIR-6 Form

Any changes to the directors' personal information must be reported on form DIR-6.


Documents To Be Attached With The Forms

For SPICe Form

Attach proof of identification and proof of address. Only after the form has been approved will a DIN be assigned to an applicant.

For DIR-3


Identification photograph

Proof of residence

For Verification (Name, father's name, current residence, date of birth) 


Documents To Be Attested By A CA/CS/CMA

  • A Chartered Accountant, a Company Secretary, or a Cost Accountant in full-time practice must testify to the photograph, identification evidence, and residency proof.
  • Foreign nationals can get their documents confirmed by the Indian Embassy's Consulate and a Foreign Public Notary.
  • The applicant will pay the charge on the following window screen after submitting DIR-3 and accompanying papers. Net banking,NEFT or credit card,  are all acceptable methods of payment.

Generation of DIN

The application will be processed by the central government, which will either approve or reject it.

If the application for a DIN is granted, the central government will send the applicant the DIN within one month. If the DIN application is denied, the reason for rejection will be emailed to the applicant and posted on the website. The applicant will have fifteen days to correct the mistake. If he rectifies the issues and can satisfy the union government, he will be given a DIN

Give DIN to Company

The director has to notify all companies where he is a director of his DIN within one month of getting it from the federal government.

The company will inform RoC about the DIN after fifteen days of the director informing the company of his DIN.

Penalties will be imposed if the director fails to inform the firm about DIN or the company fails to inform RoC about DIN.


For Form DIR-6

Form DIR-6 must be completed electronically to change any details contained in the DIR-3 form or in the SPICe with regard to Directors. The attested supporting papers must also be included with the form.

DIN Number Search

  • The Ministry of Corporate Affairs' Online DIN Search Facility provides access to information on assigned DIN numbers:
  • Check the Verify DIN or DPIN search feature to find allottee details from a DIN Number.
  • Check the DIN approval letter facility to get a DIN number from allottee information.

Reasons For The Cancellation of DIN

The Union Government may cancel a DIN on the following grounds:

  • If the director has been issued a duplicate DIN, it was obtained fraudulently
  • The individual concerned was deemed unsound of mind by the court after his death
  • The individual has been declared bankrupt

The DIN might also be surrendered in Form DIR-5 by the director himself/herself. He must declare on the form that he has never been appointed as the director of the company and that the DIN has never been used to file any document with any authority. The union government will deactivate the DIN after validating the e-records.


DIN is important for a director of a company. But many are unaware of its importance and its role. Many also do not know how to search or how to apply for its registration. The above-mentioned information provides a detailed check on it.

Online legal India is a one-stop solution for all types of company registration related-matters. You can have a check on its website for further information.

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