FSSAI Full Form and Everything You Need to Know About It
26 Feb, 2025
A signed arrangement between a customer and a service provider is a service level agreement (SLA). The services include the availability, quality, and responsibilities agreed upon between the client and the service provider. The documents of both parties of SLA are usually required to deal with the agreement.
It acts as an important document between the service provider and the client, with steps and penalties that apply to the service provider when they fail to provide the services specified in the SLA. This article will provide a detailed guide on SLA.
There are three types of SLAs and here they are:
Customer SLA refers to meeting the needs of a specific customer. Depending on the deal, it can differ between a group, an individual, or a company. This SLA is built between a customer and their service provider. The services differ from customer to customer, so the service provider makes a fresh and unique SLA for each customer.
Service SLAs are similar for each customer and depend on whether the customer wants to enter an agreement or reject it. It is built by companies or businesses for the services they provide to a range of customers. The company won't change its services under this agreement in any circumstances, irrespective of the customer.
When the services are being offered to various clients or more than one service provider is giving out the services, it is known as a multilevel SLA. The services may differ for each level of customer, and there will be different rules set and applied to the SLA. It includes various layers when addressing a customer’s requirements.
There are numerous benefits of an SLA. Here are some of the benefits as follows:
It provides a way to know how the service provider is going to support and meet the customer's expectations and what the customer should do to receive the support. Its main purpose is customer satisfaction.
SLA provides a plan for resolving issues and addressing disruptions in various ways, which helps avoid conflict between the parties.
It builds obligations and responsibilities for both parties, the customer and the service provider, and ensures accountability.
SLAs ensure legal protection for the customer and service provider by processing and mitigating disputes, imposing conditions, and clearly defining the parties involved' expectations and responsibilities.
It ensures proper communication between the service provider and the client, which helps in resolving any issues and reduces misunderstandings between the parties.
Here is how to write an SLA efficiently:
You need to ensure what kind of services are already being used and how well they are working. After using an SLA agreement, you need to think about the current service situation and figure out how to set the standards and goals for different services. Write an SLA for each vendor and set your standards accordingly.
You need to think about the services you want from your new contractors and analyze your current service with the current contractors. If the service level is higher than currently available, you need to figure out the standards and what needs to be done. Ensure the service provider’s name is in your final SLA agreement before signing it.
After deciding what you want to do, think about the format for the agreement which will help you meet your goals. You can use a similar SLA service template for every vendor agreement when working for a company. Choose your format and template carefully which will align with your needs and work best for you.
Next, you need to figure out the service level after looking at the format and your current service situation. Consider your future goals and how much service you need for it. This includes how small or big it is, when the service will be done, or why it's there. The companies might give an overview of what can happen if the service is cut off or delayed.
Once you have established the level of the service, set the terms and conditions of the agreement. Explain the role of each party and what are they supposed to do under the SLA. It includes the length of the agreement, important exceptions, and the service provider’s responsibilities. You should also talk about what the other party should expect when writing the agreement.
Think about the measuring metrics after knowing the service scope and its level, along with the terms of the agreement. Some companies have a clear idea of their service levels, what type of service must be done, and what is acceptable. You may use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and link them to the SLA expectations.
If you are a service provider always mention the cost or fees of your services and what you expect when working for a client or a company. You should talk about possible exceptions in your SLA and the fees that go with it. Your SLA must include the financial charges and details and change the contract accordingly if any issue or gap arises in the document.
You can add special terms or conditions according to your standards which may not be similar worldwide. When writing your SLA, you can add acceptable terms and the other party needs to accept the terms before signing it. It is also used when setting prices if the financial details differ from the SLA agreement.
After writing your first draft of an SLA, it is essential to check all terms and conditions, if you want to add or change sections. You need to ensure all the sections are in the right order and places. When writing a document, ensure the contract is error-free as it shows authority and professionalism.
The SLA contract is a deal between a customer and a service provider. It is important to receive approvals from the people involved to complete the process. When you are changing your SLA, always follow the company policies. You should stick to the rules and regulations of a company when providing services.
Let us discuss the key components of an SLA:
Any organization that provides services to its customers, needs an SLA as it is beneficial for that business. It includes internet service providers, cloud service providers, IT service providers, managed service providers, and other similar organizations.
Indemnification clauses state that the service provider will not be guilty of any obligation arising from the service provided and will be harmless. It addresses issues like breach of security or confidentiality. Reviewing the indemnification clauses carefully is important in an SLA to ensure they align with the organization’s needs and expectations. A service provider has a lot of options for limiting the extent of indemnifications such as consulting with a lawyer, imposing a cap on the number of indemnitees and imposing monetary boundaries on the clause, imposing deadlines, and specifying the periods when the obligation to indemnify arises.
The performance metrics are used to assess and measure the performance of a service provider against the already agreed-upon level of services.
A contract between a cloud service provider (CSP) and a client or customer that states the service level the CSP will provide is known as SLA in cloud computing. It usually includes performance, support, and availability. An SLA should be measurable and specific so both parties know what is expected. It also helps prevent any disagreements and disputes in the relationship.
Critical Elements of an SLA in Cloud Computing
Here are some critical elements of an SLA in cloud computing:
Benefits of having an SLA in cloud computing
Some benefits of having an SLA in cloud computing:
Here are some types of penalties in SLA under different circumstances:
In case of violating an SLA, customers are awarded a non-price service credit. It allows a customer to collect debits and use them to justify the lack of service in the future.
It is a financial reward received by the service provider or being restrained from him when he fails to ensure the performance standards in an SLA. These penalties ensure the service provider compensates the customers for the loss through lack of service.
The hardest penalty is terminating a contract, where the breach committed is important in the SLA agreement. If the service provider doesn’t maintain the standards of performance, the customers can terminate the contract.
It depends on the specific terms of an agreement to know if an SLA is transferable. Some SLAs are designed to be transferable and some are not. When an SLA is transferable, the client or the customer can transfer the rights and obligations under an agreement to the other party. It is useful when the customer is selling their business or outsourcing their IT services. If SLA isn’t transferable, the client will need to obtain the CSP’s permission before they can transfer the rights and obligations under an agreement.
Factors affecting the transferability of an SLA:
Some Aspects to Keep in Mind When Transferring an SLA:
Let us discuss the scenarios where the service level agreement needs to be revised:
SLA is a deal between a client and a service provider. It is an important element in any business relationship. SLA provides a plan for defining and measuring the service level a client can expect from a service provider. It helps prevent misunderstanding, build trust, and foster accountability and transparency.
SLA plays a crucial role in aligning service, and operating businesses with organizational goals; enhances efficiency, and increases customer satisfaction. Here you have learned a detailed explanation of the service level agreement. Visit Online Legal India to get company registration and related compliances. You will get professional support from the experts.