AoA in Nidhi Company Registration

The Role of AoA in Nidhi Company Registration

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 11 Nov 2022 Updated On 24 Feb 2025 Category Nidhi Company

Nidhi Companies in India are formed to instil the habit of thrift and saving among their members. Nidhi firms are permitted to borrow from and lend to their members. As a result, cash supplied to a Nidhi firm comes only from its members (shareholders). Nidhi enterprises are little in comparison to the banking sector and are mostly used to encourage individuals to save.

An Overview of Nidhi Company

Nidhi Companies are limited liability companies accepting deposits and lending to their members. Because it is comparable to an NBFC, the operations of a Nidhi Company are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. However, because Nidhi Companies only deal with money from shareholder-members, the RBI has exempted Nidhi Companies from the RBI's fundamental requirements and other laws applicable to an NBFC.

What is meant by the term “AoA”?

Every company has its own set of business procedures. They are documented within an organisation in the form of a Memorandum of Association (MoA) & an Article of Association (AoA). It serves the same purpose as a constitution in that it specifies the company's essential concepts, such as its operations and the primary authority figures, such as directors, promoters, and so on.

The Articles of Association (AoA) are a document that explains the purpose of a business and set the regulations that govern how it operates on a daily basis. This article explains the actions that must be carried out inside a corporation, such as the compilation and maintenance of financial records & the process for appointing directors.

  • The Articles of Association (AoA) might be seen as the "constitution of a corporation." It establishes and describes the rules and regulations that regulate the internal affairs of a company.
  • An organisation's Articles of Association are also considered its user's handbook since they explain the organization's objective and the techniques it will take to achieve its immediate and long-term goals.
  • The Articles of Association of a corporation will typically include its legal name, address, mission, equity funding, corporate structure, financial provisions, & shareholder meeting requirements.

Importance of AoA

The importance of AoA for Nidhi Company registration is as follows:

  • This document serves as the organisation's constitution. It is a how-to manual for company management.
  • The corporation may file a lawsuit against the offending member if these agreements are violated.
  • Every company action should be within the purview of the MoA & AoA.
  • The AoA establishes the rules that govern the organisation's internal interactions with its members.
  • It also defines the rights and responsibilities that come with being a member of the corporation.

Essential Elements of AoA

To convey the relevant information, an AoA for Nidhi Company registration must have the following sections:

Clause of Name

It has the logo of the firm. It must be distinct and cannot be similar to the name of another firm. If the firm is a private limited company, the title should finish with "Private Limited," whereas a public limited corporation's name should conclude with "Limited."

Clause of Object

There is a reason why businesses exist in the first place. Pursuing a specific goal with the objective of giving to the community is mostly motivated by financial gain. The objective or reason of the organisation must be specified clearly and concisely in the articles of association. It summarises the main activities and procedures of the firm. Furthermore, it gives shareholders and promoters a clear picture of how the company will use its resources.

The Capital Clause

The amount and kind of shares that compose a company's capital will be specified in the articles of incorporation. In general, the capital of a corporation will always comprise at least one sort of common share in some form or another. Furthermore, investors have a wide range of preferred equities from which to choose. It contains information on a company's total and maximum share capital.

Clause of Liability

It describes the level of responsibility assigned to each member of the organisation. The company's Articles of Association must state whether it is limited by guarantee or by share. Furthermore, the Articles of Association must provide that the members of the organisation have limited responsibility.

Share Ownership Transfer

This regulation governs the transfer of shares between firm shareholders, ensuring that present shareholders are given precedence if any shareholder wishes to sell their shares.

Clause of Subscription

It contains the names and other information about each firm subscriber and the number of shares allotted to each subscriber.

Article of Association for Small Businesses

It is typical for a person or group of people to seek the help of a lawyer, an accountant, or both to speed up the process of forming a new business.

Following the selection of a name, the organisation will clarify its objective statement. Following that, the company must register with the state, provincial, or federal government. The process of registering a name as a trademark is unique.

A firm is not required to issue shares to properly split the company, although it may do so if it desires. The articles will go through how to accomplish this goal. Typically, the attorney or accountant will meet with the firm's directors and ask them questions about how they want the company to grow and how it should be formed in future.

Requirements for a Nidhi Company Registration

  • The Nidhi Company requires a minimum of seven stockholders.
  • Three directors are necessary to form a Nidhi Company properly.
  • The Nidhi organisation will not issue preference shares.
  • The Nidhi Company must possess a minimum of 200 shareholders or members by the end of the first year.
  • The purpose of the organisation is to instil the habit of saving in its members by "accepting deposits" from them and "lending to" them exclusively to maximise their individual & community well-being.

Important Factors About Nidhi Company

  • Section 406 of the Companies Act and the Companies (Nidhi Companies) Rules of 2014 define the structures and rules that Nidhi Corporations in India must follow.
  • The Reserve Bank of India monitors Nidhi firms' adherence to the rules. The ability to perform financial transactions & investments is required for these abilities.
  • Because Nidhi businesses accept deposits and provide loans, the Reserve Bank of India has exempted them from the regulations imposed on other financial institutions, such as NBFCs.
  • Nidhi Company can offer its members easy access to financial loans at far cheaper interest rates than banks.
  • However, the loan application is limited because cooperative members are not permitted to utilise the cash for anything other than house building or remodelling, education, or research.
  • Compared to the organised banking system, the interest rates on deposits made by members of these sorts of organisations are frequently quite low.
  • An individual who is not a member or representative of the organisation is not permitted to lend or borrow money from the company. Companies that use the Nidhi philosophy are thus classified as Mutual Benefit Societies.

Restrictions on Nidhi Company

Post a Nidhi Company registration, there are certain restrictions laid down on it. These are as follows:

  • Carry on chit fund, hire purchase financing, leasing finance, insurance, or the acquisition of securities issued by any body corporate;
  • Issue preference shares, debentures, or any other type of financial instrument under any name or in any form;
  • Establish a current account with any of its members
  • Unless it has approved a special resolution in its GM or general meeting and has got the prior consent of the Regional Director having jurisdiction over such Nidhi;
  • Carry on any business other than borrowing or lending in its name: Provided, however, that Nidhis that have complied with all of the clauses of these rules may give locker facilities on rent subject to the rental income from such facilities not exceeding 20% of the Nidhi's gross income at any point in time during a fiscal year.
  • Take deposits or provide loans to anybody other than its members;
  • Pledge any of its members' assets as collateral;
  • Accept deposits from or lend money to a business entity;
  • Engage in any partnership agreement in connection with its borrowing or lending activities;
  • Generate or cause to be issued any advertising in any form soliciting deposits: However, that private distribution of details of fixed deposit Schemes among Nidhi members bearing the wording "for private circulation to representatives only" shall not be regarded as an advertisement soliciting deposits.
  • Pay any commission or reward for mobilising member deposits, deploying money, or issuing loans.


The AoA is the most crucial document for Nidhi Company registration since it contains all of the rules and regulations governing the firm's internal operations and administration. As a result, it is critical to include the relevant information and format it correctly.

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