Trademark Expiration

What to Do after Trademark ™ Expiration?

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 30 Nov 2020 Updated On 22 Feb 2025 Category Trademark

A trademark is the unique intellectual property associated with a brand that helps consumers in distinguishing the particular among the competitors. To keep owning your Trademark™, you need to renew your Trademark every 10 years.

As a reminder, the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) sends a notice 6 months before the expiration of the mark. If that goes unnoticed, then a statement from the registry is issued as a warning to remove the Trademark from the Trademark journal.

Trademark Renewal Procedure after Expiration

Under section 25(4) of the Trademark Act, 1999, you can apply for a TM Renewal by submitting an application and paying the late fees. However, within one year of the expiration of the Trademark, the owner is eligible to file for restoration.

  • First, a renewal application is made in form TM-R. The application can be filed by either the registered owner of the Trademark or a TM mediator authorized by the owner.
  • After filing the TM renewal application, you should check the status of your application from time to time until it is processed by the TM registry and the IPAB. Once it is processed, it will be available in the Trademark Journal.

The Trademark Renewal process is essential for every business entity or individual. Delaying in the process may lead to legal complications and paying large compensation. In some cases, people lose the authorized rights of the  Mark as well!

It is advisable to seek professional help for the Trademark Renewal procedure so that your brand name stays protected from infringement. This is where Online Legal India comes into the picture.

How Online Legal India™ will Help You?        

Already blessed with 1,20,000+ happy and satisfied clients from all over the nation, the specialized TM Expert panel here will provide you on-time digital assistance in the Trademark Renewal process.

In India’s recommended business solution portal, besides the all-inclusive legal assistance in TM renewal, you will be provided with the industry-standard Trademark designs for your brand as per your preferences as well.

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