Consumer Complaints Report

Where to Report Consumer Complaints?

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 09 Jun 2022 Updated On 18 Feb 2025 Category Consumer Complaint

What is Consumer Complaint

If you have a problem with a product or service you have purchased, you can take quick action, you can register a Consumer Complaint; however, you must first send a legal notification to the vendor or service, which is very necessary.


If a corporation fails to provide decent service or helpful products, customers have the right to seek compensation in a consumer court/forum and register consumer complaints against it. As a consumer, you have many rights under the 'Consumer Protection Act, 1986.' If a seller has sold you a defective product or a service provider has provided insufficient service, you can seek legal remedies by filing a Consumer Complaint.


A Consumer Complaint is a formal complaint made against a seller or service provider in a suitable consumer forum or court. When a vendor or service provider fails to remedy a complaint of a consumer after receiving a legal notification, a Complaint is filed. Documentary evidence and details about the unsatisfactory service/or product, as well as the compensation and remedies sought by you, are included in the Consumer Complaint. Because they are distinct from other courts and founded specifically to provide relief to consumers, India's Consumer Courts are known for providing prompt and effective legal assistance.


What is the definition of a consumer?

Consumers are individuals who buy services or items for personal use rather than for business or resale. A customer is someone who is influenced by advertising and marketing or who makes the decision to buy or not buy anything in a store. Consumers refer to anyone who buys something for a price that has been promised or paid in instalments, or who has purchased something under a deferred payment scheme.


Where can you report your consumer complaints?

You can lodge your consumer complaints at a distinguished court known as the consumer court. 


What exactly do you mean when you say Consumer Court?

Several statutes protect consumer rights, including the Sales of Goods Act, the Indian Contract Act, and others. In the event of a violation of a consumer's right, disgruntled parties might initiate a civil complaint, which is costly and time-consuming. The Consumer Protection Act of 1986, on the other hand, was enacted explicitly to defend the rights and interests of consumers. As a result, statutory organisations "known as Consumer Courts" were established under this Act to deal with consumer lawsuits.


Forums are arranged in a hierarchical order.

A consumer complaint is filed based on the transaction's value, as shown in the hierarchy of forums below. The following are some of them:-


  • Supreme Court 
  • National Commission in New Delhi (Consumer Complaints worth one crore or more)
  • State Commission (Consumer Complaints worth twenty lakhs to a one crore)
  • District Forums (Consumer Complaints worth less than twenty lakhs)


The Consumer Court's Jurisdiction

The courts' jurisdictions are based on the courts' hierarchy. Consumer courts have jurisdictions that are divided into three categories: pecuniary, territorial, and appellate.


Pecuniary Jurisdiction

Pecuniary Jurisdiction is held by the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum up to a maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs.


The State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission has pecuniary jurisdiction over claims that exceed 20 lakhs but do not exceed one crore rupees. Where the claim surpasses one crore rupees, the National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission has pecuniary jurisdiction.


Territorial Jurisdiction 

Territorial jurisdiction must be considered once financial jurisdiction has been established. Within those municipal borders, a consumer complaint may be filed in court if it meets the criteria listed below. The following are some of them:-


  • When the opposing party works or lives within certain local constraints on their own volition.
  • When the cause of action derives from determining if the cause of action arises from it, you can apply the same laws that apply to contract law.
  • The Territorial jurisdiction might be focused when a transaction is completed online.
  • The fact that the transactions were completed online successfully circumvents territorial jurisdiction. The cause of action arises in any of the several sites where territorial jurisdiction exists. In this case, it also includes the appellant's residence.


Appellate Jurisdiction

  • If a consumer is dissatisfied with the district forum's judgement, he or she may file an appeal with the state commission.
  • If the consumer is dissatisfied with the state commission's judgement, he or she may appeal to the national commission.
  • If a consumer is dissatisfied with the national commission's ruling, he or she may file an appeal with the Supreme Court.




You can easily register your complaint in the consumer court with the help of Online Legal India for a smooth and hassle free process. Consumer complaints procedures can be a little daunting so to understand them and take advice from professionals contact us and we can help you out in every manner.

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