Start profitable Alcohol Export Business

How to Start Profitable Alcohol Export Business from India

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 28 Dec 2020 Updated On 01 Mar 2025 Category APEDA

Alcohol business is, no doubt, a bankable business in any part of the globe. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in the sale of alcoholic drinks was too great to ignore. With a 1.3 billion population, India holds a recognizable place in the alcohol market of both import and export sectors.

A rapid increase in urban and middle-class population with rising disposable income is certainly one of the significant reasons behind the rise of alcohol consumption in India. It shows the pathway of more alcohol-production in the country and leads the way of Alcohol export for the Indian business personnel.

Country liquor, Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Wine, White Wine, Brandy, Whiskies, and Rum, etc. are some of the high demand alcoholic drinks being exported in the global market.

Why Alcohol Market is Commercially Successful?

  • A sizable increase in alcohol consumption in both the domestic and international markets has been recorded in recent times.
  • Alcohol is always in demand. Even if the economy breaks down, the need for alcohol consumption doesn’t falter.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages has important social roles in many cultures around the globe.
  • Alcoholic beverages don’t go bad after a prolonged storage period. It only helps in improving the taste.

How can we help you?

In India, the Alcohol market is flourishing in both the domestic market and the export industry. Manufacturing and trading various alcoholic drinks prove to be widely profitable for both producers and exporters alike. To start export, a few licenses are mandatory as per the Govt. norms. With Online Legal India, get access to, register for Import Export Code for your business until your contentment. Our team acts as your legal concierge and works round the clock to give you support at an economical price. We have served more than 1,20,000 happy customers and have the finest legal brains who would give you assistance across the country.

Apart from getting registered with IEC, any business personnel must also register with GSTTAX and CompliancesAccounting, Trademark Registration, or creative assistance in Logo Designing. To deliver your digital assistance we have the best minds in the industry for your business incorporation, our concierge work round the clock to give you a hassle-free Sole Proprietorship online.

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