FSSAI Registration for Fruit Business in India

FSSAI Registration & Food License for Fruit Business in India

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 18 Jan 2021 Updated On 03 Mar 2025 Category FSSAI

Food Safety and Standard Authority of India ensure that every food item sold in the country is safe and hygienic. Therefore, any business which involves the food industry needs to have the FSSAI license for the fruit business. If you are planning to set up a fruit business? If so, read to know more about FSSAI and the benefits of getting an FSSAI license, and how you can do so.

What is the FSSAI License?

 Any entrepreneur who wants to start a fruit business in India needs to get an FSSAI license. As there are three types of licenses it is of the utmost importance one should file the license looking at the nature and size of the business.


License Type



FSSAI FoSCos Basic License

The annual turnover of the business is less than 12 lakhs

1 To 5 Years

FSSAI FoSCos State License

The annual turnover of the business is between 12 lakhs to 20 crores

1 To 5 Years

FSSAI FoSCos Central License

Annual turnover of the business is above 20 crores
Ecommerce business
Business across all over India

1 To 5 Years


Benefits of getting an FSSAI License

  • Trust of the Customers: Authentic communication is necessary to gain customer trust. It will conduct better service and also keep the customers from the unhealthy and adulterated food supply.
  • Legal Advantages: FSSAI Certification will enhance the chance of legal enforcement and control over the department at a certain point and will encourage the establishment of several things in a particular area.
  • Government Funding and Loans: The FSSAI registration will offer the privileges of Government Funding and Loans that can be easily accessible for the business operators.
  • Use of FSSAI Logo: The use of the FSSAI logo on your product will normally create goodwill trustworthiness amongst the consumers.
  • Brand Value: A company will automatically acquire Brand Value once it is FSSAI registered.
  • Expansion of Business: The FSSAI license will provide a wider scope and privilege of expansion at any geographic location.
  • Permit of Food Business: FSSAI License speaks about the safety of the customers concerning the food business.
  • Boost up your Business: If a business is FSSAI registered, it will create a handsome client base and boost up the business on a larger scale.

Documents required to get an FSSAI license for a Fruit business

  • ID proof
  • Passport-sized photograph
  • ID Proof
  • Proof of address
  • Import/Export code
  • Passport-sized photograph
  • List of all the directors or partners
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • MoA and AoA
  • NOC from the municipality

How can we help you?

The team of Online Legal India will advise you on which Food Safety License one should get, looking at the nature and size of the business and will assist you to register your FSSAI license as per the requirement of the Business.

This platform is managed, operated and driven by CA, CS, IT professionals, Lawyers and Influencers, who have vast experiences within their respective fields and would give you an error-free service in no less time.

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