FSSAI Full Form and Everything You Need to Know About It
26 Feb, 2025
A Digital Signature is a process through which any individual, public or private or Government Sector Company can create and use it through a virtual platform. As per Section 3, IT Act 2000, of the Indian Govt. Digital Signature came into the picture.
If any business personnel or entity register for a Digital Signature by following the Governmental norms, the applicant gets an electronic device containing the Signature. It is called the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and the electronic device is known as the DSC Token.
1. Application Form – Duly Filled, Signed and applicant photo with across signature of the applicant.
2. Authorization Letter from the Organization.
3. Proof of identification – The following documents are accepted as proof of identification:
4. Proof of Address – The following documents can be submitted as proof of address:
5. Attestation of all Supporting Documents, Application Form.
1. Application Form – Duly Filled, Signed and applicant photo with across signature of the applicant.
2. Authorization Letter from the Organization.
3. Proof of Identity (All given below)
4. Proof of Address (Choose from options below)
5. Attestation of all Supporting Documents, Application Form.
Time-Saving: You no longer have to wait for your manager to return from a holiday or conference for that signature. Digital signatures ensure that businesses save on cost and time with documents and contracts signed off with a click of a button.
Cost Saving: Many companies also see significant cost savings, with little or no expense in ink, paper, printing, scanning, shipping/delivery or travel expenses.
Workflow Efficiency: With lesser delays, digital signatures ensure better workflow efficiency. Managing and tracking documents are made easier, with lesser effort and time involved.
Better Customer Experience: Digital signatures provide the convenience of signing important documents where ever a customer or the person to sign is located. Sales persons do not have to wait for the customer to come to the bank or office.
Security: When it comes to signatures, authenticity and security is a priority. Digital signatures reduce the risk of duplication or alteration of the document itself. Digital signatures ensure that signatures are verified, authentic and legitimate.
Legal Validity: Digital signatures provide authenticity and ensure that the signature is verified. This can stand in any court of law like any other signed paper document.
Future Validity: Digital signatures also hold validity in the future. ETSI PDF Advanced Signatures (PAdES) with its eIDAS requirements have validity well into the future with its long term signature formats.
Environmental Benefits: As corporate and business become more conscious of their role in sustainability, digital signatures are a step ahead in their efforts in reducing waste and being environmentally friendly.
Any individual or a company can be anywhere and Apply for an online Digital Signature Certificate through the country’s recommended most reliable and hassle-free platform with their Digital Signature Partner as EMUDHRA without any extra charge.
Trusted by more than 1, 20,000+ satisfied clients, the specialized Advocate panel here provide 24x7 legal supports to get DSC at the quickest of all. Here, the workflow includes sending the DSC token to the client by Post at the doorstep.