Start Cereal Export Business from India

Why is Cereal Export Profitable in India?

Online Legal India LogoBy Online Legal India Published On 21 Jan 2021 Updated On 04 Mar 2025 Category APEDA

With the onset of the Green Revolution in India, the agriculture sector has seen immense growth in terms of production and export. Since India’s primary source of livelihood is agriculture, the vast production of crops and cereals provide immense opportunities for export in India. India not only produces the largest amount of cereal but also exports the largest amount globally.

Rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, sorghum etc are being heavily exported to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Saudi Arab, UAE and USA. The demand for Indian superior quality cereals is ever-escalating in the global market, thus making export profitable for new exporters.

Profitable Cereal Export in India

  • After improving surplus production and seeing huge demand in the global market, India has recently lifted the ban on cereal export.
  • The processed food industry is also hugely responsible for growth in cereal export.
  • With changing food habits and consumer preference, cereals have become a part of the main diet for both developed and developing countries.
  • Apart from being a major staple food, cereals are widely used as industrial raw material and animal feed in husbandry. The versatile uses make sure the demand graph always escalates.

If you want to start your export business with a sure shot, then cereal must be your optimum choice. For any export, you need to have a few mandatory licenses.

Generating one license is hard enough in India, but multiple licenses require expert guidance on each procedure. With Online Legal India you can get your business export-ready in no time.

How can we help you?

With Online Legal India, get access to, register for Import Export Code for your business until your contentment. Our team acts as your legal concierge and works round the clock to give you support at an economical price. We have served more than 1,20,000 happy customers and have the finest legal brains who would give you assistance across the country.

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